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Eyre AI Meeting Ecosystem

Effortlessly Secure Your Online Meetings

Powered by EyreFusion™ AI Engine

In today’s data-driven world, data breaches are a constant concern. Eyre.ai eliminates that worry for your business. Our secure AI meeting assistant with zero-knowledge architecture ensures your sensitive call and meeting content remains confidential. 

Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant
Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant

Start Your Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Online Meeting

P2P online meetings offer significant benefits for both the banking and legal industries, particularly when it comes to security and confidentiality.

Unlike traditional video conferencing platforms that rely on centralized servers, P2P technology eliminates a central point of vulnerability. Data travels directly between participants’ devices, making it harder for hackers to intercept sensitive information.

P2P online meetings offer a more secure and confidential environment for sensitive conversations in the banking and legal sectors. This fosters trust between clients and advisors, protects sensitive financial and legal data, and helps comply with data privacy regulations.

Prepare Your Agenda and Discussions Points

Stop wasting your time on useless meetings that have no clear agenda or tangible outcomes! Your time can be spent much more productively.

As you set up your P2P meeting, simply enter your meeting topic and let secure proprietary AI generate your meeting agenda and discussion points, so that your meeting attendees come prepared and informed.

After the meeting, let AI generate the meeting summary and bring the action points to the attention of all attendees, so everyone is on the same page. 

Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant
Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant

Use In-Browser Transcriptions and Meeting Notes

In-browser transcriptions of online meetings offer significant advantages, boosting efficiency, accuracy, and record-keeping.

Conversations are captured and transcribed in real time, allowing participants to follow along, identify key points, and avoid taking detailed notes during the meeting. This improves focus and engagement even in the most complex discussion.

A searchable transcript provides a verifiable record of the conversation, eliminating the potential for misinterpretations or relying solely on memory. This is crucial for banking and legal discussions where precise details matter.

Stay Safe with End-to-End Encryption of Meeting Data

Eyre.ai is committed to building a future of secure and trustworthy online meetings. Our comprehensive encryption approach ensures your data stays protected, empowering you to collaborate with confidence.

The cornerstone of our security is end-to-end encryption (E2EE). This means data is encrypted on the user’s device before transmission, and it remains encrypted until it reaches the recipient’s device. Only authorized participants with the decryption key can access the information. This eliminates the risk of data breaches even if a server were compromised.

Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant
Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant

Stay Tuned with AI Meeting Summaries and Meeting Recaps

Meeting summaries and recaps generated from online meetings improve information retention and ensure regulatory compliance.

Meeting summaries, especially when time-stamped, serve as verifiable records of discussions. This is crucial for banking and legal matters where documentation is essential for compliance with regulations and audit trails.

Sharing meeting notes and summaries with clients demonstrates transparency and keeps them informed about key decisions and next steps.

Unlock the Power of Web3 Distributed Data Storage

Once the meeting is over, its transcript and meeting notes become valuable digital assets. Now you can do more than just store them away.

Mine data, gather insights, and support critical business decisions using the wealth of information stored in your meeting data.

Eyre advanced workflows enable you to extract maximum value from every meeting, while securely storing your encrypted backup on device, in cloud, or distributed – you choose!

Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant
Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant

Leverage Blockchain for Enhanced Security in Online Meetings

Blockchain technology offers an additional layer of security for the banking and legal sectors, where data integrity and tamper-proof records are paramount.

Meeting data (recordings, transcripts, summaries) are hashed and stored on a tamper-proof blockchain ledger. This distributed ledger technology ensures data cannot be altered or deleted once recorded, providing an immutable record for future reference.

Blockchain technology creates a transparent audit trail of all data access attempts and modifications. This fosters trust and accountability, when a clear chain of custody is crucial.

Enjoy Complete Regulatory Compliance and Transparence

Eyre.ai adheres to the principles of the Swiss Data Protection Act (SDPA), which emphasizes data minimization, user consent, and robust security measures. We strive to minimize data collection and empower users with control over their information.

Eyre.ai leverages P2P technology, where data travels directly between participants’ devices. This eliminates the need for centralized servers, potentially located outside Switzerland, which can raise data residency concerns. Read more about our dedication to regulatory compliance!

Eyre security-first AI meeting assistant

Previously, juggling security concerns slowed down our meeting efficiency. Eyre prioritizes encryption and access control while providing meeting agendas, transcripts, and recaps. It’s a win-win for productivity and security.

Marcelle Renard

Partner at Capelli & Renard GmbH

Have the Peace of Mind Knowing Your Meetings Data Is Safe

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